Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sorry about the delay...  Hope you managed to survive.  :)

The reason for no immediate post is we had to stay late and review our food journal.  I believe that the pile my journal was in was compared to "cockroaches."  Whatever.  Am I strictly paleo?  Nope.  But I am eating way fewer carbs and processed food than I ever did before.  I totally threw down on Saturday, because it was Sertoma and that's our annual favorite drunk fest.  I really did eat like a cockroach, in fact I partied so much I may have eaten a cockroach -- who knows?  Further, who cares?  Good times!

I know that I could not be doing this much of the attempt at diet if it were not for BFF Tina.  As I've mentioned, she's staying with us temporarily and has been in charge of food prep.  It's been a huge help and I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to let her move out.  :(  Having said that, there are lots of the diet that I like.  I do like the challenge of figuring out what to eat.  I like that I'm eating lots of fresh food and eating much less salt.  It's just the time that it takes to fix this food all the time is crazy.  I'm not sure how successful I would be sticking to it long term.  Especially since my husband, God love him, does not really like a lot of vegetables and would definitely not be excited about eating some of the same things repeatedly. 

The workout on Monday was a fair amount of running.  We ran around the building twice.  Right after that we had to all get into a simultaneous squat and we weren't started until everyone was in sync.  Needless to say that was a bit of a time lag since people kept popping back up.  (Ahem, sorry guys...) Then there was some running in and out of a ladder, running up and down and tapping a thing on the ground, jumping over hurdles and everyone's favorite the bear crawl.  Inside activities including learning to dead lift, a few rounds of wall ball and push-ups. 

One of my co-workers said something along the lines that I have a glowy way of talking about the boot camp.  And, I guess I do.  I am not good at the workouts.  I am not fast, efficient, strong, anything.  But every night that I give them the hour and quarter is an hour and quarter that I'm not just sitting around not changing my life.  I like that.  Sometimes when I'm praying for death in the workouts, I try to remind myself of this.  Not as easy to remember then.  But afterwards, I just feel good that I accomplished it.

BFF and I have talked about what we're going to do next.  How we're going to keep up the momentum?  I'm not sure.  I really like the taking classes, but I do hate being out 3 nights a week and away from my husband.  (Although perhaps he likes the peace?  Who knows??)  It's just that being out til after 9 and then having to come home and put together a day's worth of food for the next day and then getting up at dawn and starting again gets to be a bit taxing.  As I frequently say, I have no idea how people with children do all the things they do.  I can barely keep my own shit together.

Anyways, the hour grows close to the work out and I must go get sucked into my lycra and sports bra.  I will probably do a belated bootcamp post for tonight so in the meantime, try a paleo blog!  :)


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