Saturday, March 31, 2012

Next week begins yet another chapter in my attempt to find a workout that works out for me...

I'm taking swimming lessons.  Remember last year, when I said I had a crazy goal of wanting to do a triathlon?  Well, one of the things that's important is being able to swim.  And while I could be thrown in a pool and not drown, it's not graceful and I can't swim above water. 

This has embarrassed me for as long as I can remember. 

SO embarrassed that I am willing to overcome my mortification of having my fat ass learn to swim from some athletic 20 something girl.

Wish me luck!

Also, even though I have done little to nothing in the way of exercise, have made no major changes in my diet, I am showing a 4lb loss this week.  Crazy...

Short and sweet but stay tuned for my Nemo adventures...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I'm posting.  I know that one of my readers will be VERY excited.  Wait, I only have one reader...  Awkward...

Well, as usual, too much good news has jinxed me.  My PR on treadmill somehow lead to a setback in the desire to exercise category. I cannot get up in the morning anymore to go to the gym. I have tried every trick, but the extreme darkness after daylight savings time really makes it deeply difficult to rouse. (excuse)  Then, I try to go to the gym after work but it seems like something better always comes up -- shocker!  (excuse) Then, there was the pressure of the 500 mile group...  I felt like I couldn't spend time on my beloved elliptical because it was taking away time from the dreadmill.  Consequently, it was the same old same old and a lot of dread associated with going to the gym.  (pretty much another excuse)  So, exercise has not been the priority that I want it to become...

Until...   My "best friend at work" (work joke) decided to start walking on her lunch break and has thus encouraged me to do so as well.  We crank out a mile in about 20 minutes or so, which isn't great time but not bad considering our schnazzy clothes and our constant chatter.   And hell, I'm walking a mile even if I am doing nothing else at all -- which is still pretty friggin' good.  That means that I'm going to be getting in at least 4 miles a week, which is way better than I was doing.

So, now I gotta be honest about my diet.  Get THAT together.  But, Lord -- where to begin?  As if I didn't know...

Here's the thing that's funny -- my weight has continued to stay exactly the same.  Not up, not down -- just the same.  If only I could be happy being this fat, I could TOTALLY maintain this easy.  I got my hair cut short recently and people even thought I lost weight -- hilarious!  Here's my latest weight loss tip -- grow your hair out a bit, then cut pretty short, repeat.  

That's all I got for now.  I'll write again when the mood strikes...


Monday, March 5, 2012

A personal record! Over 2.10 miles during 30 minute workout!