Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Boot camp - 2 down

Y'all, we did so many different things tonight there is no way I'm going to be able to remember to do a recap.  There was a crap ton of running.  We did the first lap around the building which is a quarter mile.  Then we did something they called the Indian run.  The last person sprints to the front of the formation and so on.  We did this for two laps around the building.  I couldn't keep up with the sprinting, but I managed to keep a very slow jog/walk/cry behind the group so at least I wasn't a total loser.  After that we did several minutes of planking.  Trainer mercy gave me a couple of those minutes on my knees, but I still tried to mostly do it on my toes.

The in-gym portion consisted of a whole bunch of torture.  We learned the kettle ball maneuver.  You hold the kettle ball at about a quarter squat position and then you thrust it forward to swing it over your head.  Then there was a super fun thing where you squat on to a medicine ball and then as you come up from the squat you throw another medicine ball up a wall and as you're catching it you are squatting back down.  Good times!

The relays today were bear walking, broad jumping and then just sprinting.  In between there was push-ups and sit-ups.  At the end we did this crazy thing...  It's somebody's plan, but I couldn't hear the name.  Trust me I'd be cursing their name if I knew it.  You do 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, and this cycle continued for 4 minutes for each thing we did.  It was sit-ups, the kettle ball thing and the infamous burpees.  (Which I still can't do properly.)

Here's the thing.  I did not rock this.  I know that I was universally pitied or worse.

I am tapping into the I don't give a fuck side of me.  I did it.  I did it as well as I could do it.  Maybe I could have done it better, harder, faster -- it feels like that when you're the Monday morning quarterback against yourself.  But I am what I am.

Maybe I am always going to finish last, but you know what?  At least I finished.

I will try to talk about the food soon because it really has been quite the adventure!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm just catching up on your blog now. Pretty intense stuff, this crossfit. I've always been curious as to what it was about and now I've got a couch side view without having to actually do it! And I'm here to tell you, without a doubt, be proud of what you're doing because I can't do crossfit. My knee problems won't let me do most of the squat and lunge based activities yall are doing. And if I did do it, I would get competitive and wouldn't listen to my body and would end up way more f&*ked up than when I started. So, I guess this is my way of saying -- I'm jealous of you and Tina!
    The game is not about whether you can finish or not. I know you can finish this, because you're going to start to see incremental changes soon that are going to amaze you and motivate you to continue. The name of the game is really about making it to the end without sustaining injuries that force you to quit. It's mercifully short, but you will start to see people dropping out from injuries eventually, because this is cookie cutter fitness and everyone's body responds differently. So to keep from being that person, you have to really listen to your body, which is hard because you have social pressure to push yourself, even when injured.
    I'm so excited that you're doing this, and so happy you're blogging about it. I can't wait to hear more. I have never had better workouts than when I'm in a group setting, it is THE biggest motivator for me. You're body is going to really surprise you with the things it is capable of.
    Good luck!
