Sunday, April 22, 2012

Starting to tap into inner bad ass

When we last left our heroine (me), she was tapping in to her I don't give a fuck side.  After "Freaky Friday" at the compound, that side took over with a vengeance.

Y'all, we flipped 200lb tires.  By ourselves.  It was crazy.  I only was able to do it 5 times, but trust that was 5 more times than I thought I was going to be able to do it.  We also then smashed the tire with a sledgehammer, and if you think that wasn't fun you got another think coming.  GOOD times. 

We started the night out with our usual fun run around the building.  My team swears I'm keeping up, but I still don't really feel like I am.  Then we played tug o' war and our team never lost!  It was awesome!  After that was when we learned the maneuver to flip the tire and the sledgehammer pounding thing.  Then we worked as a team to flip the tire 200 times and pound the sledgehammer 250 times.  I stayed on the sledgehammer the whole time because I don't think I could have done that many reps flipping the tire and then do the post-workout run around the building.

We turned in our food journals and they were very insistent that names would be named for not sticking to the food plan.  I have an issue with that and not just because I wasn't always 100% with the food plan.  This is a new thing for everyone, and we're all doing the best we can.  Do we need to make everyone do burpees for every pat of butter we eat or glass of wine?  That just seems a bit extreme.

As for the food, which I keep saying I'm going to talk about.  It's been a challenge because you always have to plan.  You can't just wing it.  There is a definite need to cook and prep.  I can't just throw a frozen dinner in my lunch and be done with it for the day.   Consequently, I am eating a lot of salads for lunch.  I don't necessarily mind, but in order for it to be good there's a fair amount of prep that has to go into that too.  If I were a smarter person, I'd spend today chopping and prepping for the week this afternoon...  But that would require unwrapping from my cozy blankie and getting away from the tv on a rainy Sunday. 

But the thing is that I can't believe how far I've come mentally since Tuesday, food whining aside.  I think it was the tires or maybe that Friday was more fun or maybe the PMS finally broke -- all I know is that by Friday night I was feeling freaking sassy!  Like, this is really hard, but I'm doing it.  I can do this.  And if I can do this, then I can do whatever I want!

That's probably a dangerous thought pattern, huh?

Happy Sunday friends!


1 comment:

  1. Atta girl, Heather! Keep at it, it will pay off!! :)
