Friday, May 25, 2012

Million Dollar Fitness Idea

I know I think this because I came up with this, but you tell me...

We just watched Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.  I think it was awesome, but just for the action and effects.  I mean, I guess the plot was good but who notices with all these capers?  Is that really what these movies are about?  But you look at the actors and how friggin' buff they are and I don't know about you -- but I really know what goes into that now.  I don't know because I can do it but even trying to do 1/10 of what they must do to get in that good of a shape kicked my ASS --

So can you imagine if it was your job to work out and look bad ass all the time?

Why not have a boot camp to get people into action movie star shape and then during the process film their progress for a YouTube series?!

I know, I thought of that -- brilliant right?

Is someone already doing this?  Locally?  And then at the end, the people in training could star in their own mini action movie short.

Think of the training - it would definitely be cross fit like because of the sprinting and jumping.  But there could also be stage fight training.  That show Scott and I saw at Regent with the stage fighting was really fun.  And martial arts.  And dancing - because all good action movies contain at least one scene where two characters are required to tango or dance in some exotic way.  You would be in such excellent shape.  And you'd be paying for it by cutting your cable totally off while you were in training because you were going to be way too busy to watch tv all the time!  Plus you'd be watching your own movie that you were making and editing it.


I know that I am an attention whore, but this has something for everyone.  The people who don't want to be on screen can film or write or do the music.  The possibilities are endless. There are trainers needed and chefs.  It's a community effort.

Action Movie Star Boot Camp -- who is with me?!  If you think this sounds like fun - hit me up on Facebook or on Twitter (@heatherparslee) and we can figure out how to do it...

Monday, May 21, 2012

A visit to Anytime Fitness

Did my tour on the elliptical. I used the arm thingies the whole time, which I don't normally do.

It's not cross-fit, but it works for me.

Weighing in tomorrow at WW. I'm knocking on the onederland. I can taste it - and I shall get there. I feel like its this Holy Grail that I keep blocking myself from reaching.

I am tired of getting in my own way. I'm ready to move on. As I said when I started this blog - I am ready to be the person I'm supposed to become!


Monday, May 14, 2012

Boot camp wrap up

I apologize for the anti-climactic ending to the boot camp story...  I guess when I'm done, I'm done.

I missed the second to last class, because it was pouring ass rain and I'm just not that good of a person.  Or tough, really.  Apparently, they went running in the woods.  As it got dark.  Carrying a giant log.  Through a swamp.  In knee high water. 

I think if you've met me, you can understand why that was not going to be for me.  I don't even like to go to the grocery store without make-up on.  I'm not much for undoing the pretty.  I'm certainly no "beast." 

But I did really enjoy the experience.  There was an awakening of sorts for wanting to improve myself and keep going back on track to find myself.  I felt strong and, well, sexy.  Yeah, I said it.  I did.  I felt like I could do anything I wanted.  It was empowering.

I hope that the feeling continues...

And I don't know that the chapter on Cross Fit is closed completely.  I just didn't want to do the sign up under duress after it was over.

The last class was our fitness test and last measurements.  Overall, I did not lose much in the way of weight or inches, but my overall fitness improved.  Especially with squats, which were a particular weakness for me.  I doubled the amount I can do in a minute.  I felt best about that, for some reason.  My run time on the 800 meter actually went down, but...  I actually "ran" the whole thing.  Or my version of running anyways.  Since I didn't run it all the first time and I can walk faster than I can run (I know, right?) I didn't do as well the second time but felt better because I never stopped running.

So, that's that.

Currently I'm in full-on new Weight Watchers newbie mode.  I'm obsessing over points and planning.  I am annoying myself, really, but I can't stop.  It's changed a lot since I did it a few years ago and I think the changes are really beneficial.  I especially like the free fruit!

Wait, what?  Wine is not fruit...?


Saturday, May 12, 2012

((drum roll))... It's the next thing!!

I know how much you have been anxiously awaiting for the next thing -- so you'll be REALLY excited to learn its two new things!!

Both of which I have talked about, so with apologies for the anti-climactic nature of my revelation. (I will try to do a post boot camp write up soon.)

First is that I have finally officially gone back to Weight Watchers. Went to my first meeting today. I've even started tracking and let me tell you that we went to the Greek festival so I am already in my weekly points. Oh well - Rome wasn't built in a day. :)

The next fitness adventure is the hot yoga. I bought the Groupon and BFF Tina and I went to our first class yesterday. It was (no kidding) hot. I liked it but not sure how much weigt you can lose doing it. Perhaps more than you would not doing it, I guess.

This has prompted me to decide that my fitness adventures may actually all be Groupon adventures. (And by Groupon, I am lumping in all the social daily deals like Living Social and soon.). There are frequently specials for yoga and boot camps and so forth. All the time something new and then. work in walking and some other things to complement. We'll see how it goes. Got 9 more classes in the hot yoga to go so about 3 weeks or so. If you run across a deal that I may have missed please hit me up!

Looking forward to sharing my adventures with you all! Happy Mothers Day to you and yours!


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Certain girls...

"There are always those girls -- you know, the ones whose stocking seams were always straight, whose hair was perfectly waved." - Margaret Leroy "The Soldier's Wife"

The book is set in the 40's during WW II. But don't we all still know (and loathe) this kind of girl? The girl who just seems to have it all together. Who seems to make no effort to be gorgeous and not understand why cellulite is a problem?

I am never going to be one of those women. What I struggle with,really, is both being okay with that and then further not letting their existence affect me.

I am who I am. I can work out tons and eat right and lose whatever the magic amount of weight is but I'm never going to be one of those girls. And those girls they don't have anymore in common with me and my struggle than I do with them and whatever their struggle is.

But I did love this line. It resonated...

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Next Thing

I'm wrapping up the last 4 classes of boot camp.  I have mixed emotions about it.

I'm pretty ready for it to be over in many regards.  The number one being the hours.  It doesn't start til 7:30, so I don't usually get home until 9 or later 3 nights a week.  I'm not a big fan of that.  Everybody knows what a homebody I am.  Also not a fan of the fear and dread that leads up to many of the classes.  And don't even get me started on how much I'm not a fan of the Paleo diet thing.  Sheesh.

But, I really do like the idea of doing some kind of formatted work-out in a class because it has forced me to go and participate.  I never was a fan of the exercise classes before, but mostly because I am always, always, ALWAYS out of sync and feel like a moron.  But since I feel like a moron much of the time, I'm trying to just embrace that and focus on the fact that at least I will be a thinner, healthier moron.  ;)

Here are some of the things I'm considering as next options, in no particular order.

1.  Yoga - this link is for a hot yoga studio which is nearby and running a special right now for 10 classes.  While I've always wanted to try yoga, I'm a little nervous about being a first-timer at it with the hot twist.  So, not sure.  The special is $29 for 10 classes though, so it's pretty enticing.

2.  Strippercize - Many of you know that I did this years ago with some friends.  Studio Rio was much smaller then and offered an intro class on a "routine."  It was a pretty good workout and definitely helped in the sparks department, if you know what I mean.  They offer pole classes (yes, you read that right and yes, it is that kind of pole) and then other workout classes with a sexy twist.  One of my friends' daughters is a member and adores it.  The least expensive option here is going to be about $120 for 10 classes.  After that, just like a gym, there are varying degrees of commitment.

3.  Cross Fit - the boot camp is done with cross fit techniques but a lot more yelling.  At the compound, you go in for prescribed session times and do the workout of the day (WOD) which someone is there to coach you through if needed.  This price is going to vary depending on the level of commitment.  The longer you sign up, the cheaper the price.

4.  Either going back to my gym or joining another gym.  I've been thinking a lot about joining the YMCA again.  They offer all kinds of classes, plus all of the benefits of a traditional gym.  Plus, unlike my current gym they have a pool so I can go back to my original plan of learning how to swim and t hen swimming as a form of exercise.  This is the plan that I tend to lean the most towards.  One of the things that I keeps me dragging my feet is the quitting my old gym and all of the ordeal that's going to go along with that.  I'm not sure how much of a hassle it is going to be and really don't want to deal with it.  But, frankly, it's just not a great fit for me anymore.  The biggest downside of joining the Y is that if I wanted to go back to doing an early morning workout it would involve a lot more commitment because it isn't close enough to my house to run back and forth -- I'd have to get ready there.  Which means I would probably go after work rather than before, thus getting back to my complaint about taking time away from just being at home...

These are my top 4 options currently.  I'm still a bit on the fence with what to do, but I am really afraid to lose the momentum when boot camp is over.

Whatever the next exercise thing is, my plan has been to couple that with a return to Weight Watchers.  While my lack of running skill will likely be the death of my dream to try a tri before I'm 40, I would still like to get down to a minimum of my last WW total, which is about 30 pounds less than where I am now.  I have more to go than that to be considered in a healthy range, but as a jumping off point I'd like to get back there and then maintain for a while.

That's all for now...  Gotta go work up the nerve to go to boot camp tonight.



Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sorry they're out of order - but here are some photos

This is the backlot of the compound and these are the famous tires.  The tire in the front is the size tire that I
"threw" in the first week. 

Pre-workout shot -- so they're out of order because they're uploaded from my phone.  I not only can't coordinate the uploading and getting them in order (I have lost tons of witty text in this process!), but I can't seem to figure out how to just add a regular paragraph rather than the texts under the photos. 
The room where we talk post workout.  Also where we learned that some of us eat like cockroaches.  I should have taken some of the inspirational shots on the walls, but I was just trying to give you a feel for what it looks like since it's not a regular gym.
Outside overview of the gym - the box in the foreground is the size box that I finally jumped.  Not a big box by compound standards, but certainly by "size of things I've jumped up on" it's big.