The Photo Wall

My wedding day, obviously.  I think that I weighed about 207 at my wedding, if memory serves.  I remember going to the doctor not long after and being mortified that I had gotten over 200...
Little did I know that I would eventually balloon to this, which is probably at my highest weight of 230 -- the first time that is.  I remember this shirt and thinking how super-cute I thought I was in it, ha!

I'm pretty sure this was taken in 2006.  I had probably lost most, if not all, of the 50 lbs I would lose when I was on WW.    I really loved stuff that showed off my shoulders when I lost weight because that made me feel tiny. 

This was definitely 2006 at Scott's sister's graduation from college.  Again, very close to maximum weight loss.

I'll add more as time and my ability to weed through this pictures goes on...