Thursday, February 23, 2012

Got over 3 miles with an extra outside walk on this gorgeous day!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Short outside walk...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ran for a mile.

Just not in a row.

Fell off the diarying wagon - that's the last time I brag about that!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Getting it done

I got it in on a Saturday. Met with a trainer to get info on personal training costs. Buy a car or start training? That's the size of it. Something to think about. I want to start working on building muscle and toning and I'm not going to start doing that without someone standing over me...

I did really good at journaling this week. I'm pretty proud of that. Just writing it down is hard even if I'm not tracking calories or measurements. That's the next step. Baby steps!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


First time at the gym since last Thursday. Phew! 15 minutes on the elliptical and then 30 minutes on the dread.

I have been writing down what I eat since Monday. Not tracking calories or ww points or even the exact measurements - just literally getting acclimated to writing it down. And even when I'm not tracking how much it is painful. How did I do this before?? And how did I forget how hard it is?!

Not the greatest times, but there was 6 day break so...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Frustration Rambling

Part of my frustration with myself is my lack of trying to do something to get my diet in line.  I don't mean go on a diet, I'm against that.  But to start paying attention to what I'm eating, controlling how much I'm eating (and drinking) and getting that under my control once and for all.

I have navigated away from writing about my journey for so many reasons.  I make proclamations (the Twitter experiment that wasn't ring any bells?) and then feel embarrassed that they're out there on the web.  I stopped posting my weight, because it stopped changing.  A major source of frustration, more on this.  I feel like I only talk about minor or major gym victories (too many links to bother here).  And even when I commit to writing more and even dowloaded an app for ever-present phone, I still haven't committed.

I am frustrated with myself.  One of the primary reasons is my weight not changing.  It will occasionally drop a pound or two, but it always goes back up to where it was.  Granted, at least I'm staying there, but I would like to drop a pound or two and then stay THERE.  That's the frustration.  I know I weigh myself too often (every day is definitely not the recommended amount), but I also know that when I don't know every day where it is then I get complacent.  I may have "only" lost 20 lbs last year, but at least that 20 lbs is staying off no matter what!

Here is what I see as the three MAJOR obstacles to overcoming this plateau I seem to be rooted in and figure out the way out.  One, I need to be accountable for the food and beverages I am consuming.  I know about how many calories I'm burning a day, but I don't know how many I'm taking in because I am NOT being honest with myself.  But for whatever reason I seem to chronically allergic to starting tracking again.  I have at least 3 apps in my phone for this as we speak and can't seem to do it.  Action plan:  I'm going to try to kick it old school and write it down in a little notebook.  I'm going to try to start just by getting in the habit of writing things down without measuring like I will eventually.  The first step is just being honest that I'm eating whatever I'm eating or drinking what I'm drinking.  I will start tomorrow morning.

Two, I need to branch out my exercise.  I cannot continue to only do cardio all the time and expect to see any changes.  I need to start incorporating some strength training if I really want to see my body change the way it was starting to during the body challenge last year.  I am weighing options on how to attack this, but I think ultimately I am planning on getting a personal trainer for a while to start kicking me in to shape. 

The biggest obstacle?  Me, of course.  I still do not believe that I am meant to be a healthy, active person.  I feel doomed to a life of couch potato-dom and can't seem to turn my mental game around.  Any tips on an action plan here would be greatly appreciated.  How do I get my head engaged and believing that I can physically do more than I do -- and motivated to try and do it?  Because right now, the mental push-ups I have to do to go back to the gym after missing a few days are incredibly rigorous and remind me me of just how weak that mental motivator muscle still is. 

That's all for now -- lots of love!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

No work today

So I got a bit longer in on dreadmill. Finished a 5k if you count the cool down. Which I did, of course.

Plus no wine last night!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Workout photo record

I take photos of my dreadmill stats and have been trying to figure out how to tie them to the date. And then I realized "duh - I have this blog I'm not using..."

So if you see just pictures of stats and my sweaty face that's why. :)