Monday, September 3, 2012

Laboring to get back on track

And so now begins the work of reining back in and getting back on track.

Overindulgence weekend is drawing to a close and it was definitely devolving into sabotage. I'm not going to get into all the gory details. But there were definitely a lot of beverages and that means that I'm not sure what all I ate. There were many un-point friendly choices. I hydrated a lot and I definitely think that was important.  But, not enough.  That scale photo from 9/1?  I've got a lot of work to get back there, even if it is new weight.

Yes, the "new weight" I alluded to in my earlier post.  It's weight you've put on in a short period of time.  While losing weight is never easy, this is the easiest weight to take off.  For me, this weekend's weight is new weight.  Last glance at the scale had me at 194.  Now, 190 was something that hasn't been seen as regularly as I'd like -- but 194 was also behind me.  I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle.  But part of what's going to get me back to "the truth" is knuckling down. 

Step one started today, but as usual with me it was a bit of a clumsy start.  As you know, I'm doing the Susan G Komen 5k on October 13.  I am still working on getting over my outdoor running anxiety.  Today, I woke up and decided that I was going to work on that NOW.  I used Map My Walk and created a 5k loop in my 'hood.  Got dressed and prepared to hit the road.  I decided I was just going to walk the whole thing.  Just so I could remember what a 5k felt like and get acclimated to being outside, blah blah blah.  Less than the half mile mark, it started to drizzle ever so slightly.  Barely enough to be alarmed about.  I was at a part of my 'hood that I have walked dozens of times because it's the path to talk our dog Charlie to the park.  I was going to venture past my comfort zone into heretofore unchartered neighborhood territory...  It was exciting.  Unfortunately, just after I hit the one mile mark (I know this because the nice lady from Map My Walk told me), it started to rain a bit more.  The one mile mark happened to coincide with being near the point of no return.  I had passed the last recognizable spot to make a quick escape back home.  I was going to try to force myself through it, but then I realized -- who am I kidding?  I circled back and jogged/walked the rest of the way home. 

I was only gone 22 minutes and made it 1.41 miles.

Still, it's a start.  I know the course now.  It will still be there in the weeks ahead.  And I will try again.  And I WILL succeed!

I'm tracking again after falling off of that.  I'm thinking about restarting my weekly points today so I can have an easier start.  I'm on the fence about that. 

Anyways, now I'm being summoned to start the rest of my day -- and we're off!


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