Saturday, January 22, 2011

Change in plans

Okay, I've decided that I am not going to join WW and instead turn this into a blog about how much fatter I can really get!

Ha! Just kidding... Kind of. When we were at the gym today, we made an impulsive decision to join in their version of a Biggest Loser challenge. Yikes! But, with the challenge there is a proscribed eating plan to maximize weight loss, which pretty much eliminates the need for me to join Weight Watchers until after this 12 week program is over.

But, the GREAT news for you is how fun is it going to be to hear about a 12-week weight loss challenge?! Right?! I know -- I can already feel your excitement. I know that the journey is one that both terrifies me and excites me. I've never been much of a challenge myself physically kind of a girl. I have friends who have done marathons and half marathons and triathlons (and one friend who has done all 3!) and constantly push themselves to be in good shape. I admired this from a distance while eating ice cream and congratulating them. But, I'm ready to be congratulated. I'm ready to change. I'm ready to be the person I'm meant to become.

And to prove it, I'm putting myself fully out there with my blog and posting my very first super fat photo! Yikes!

They make us take before pictures for the the challange. I was not excited about stripping for the buff little dude who is the trainer but what are you gonna do?

Once I get more in tune with this, I'll figure out how to do a whole photo page or something. But let's just baby-step a little bit more, shall we? I mean, seeing all of this is not for everyone! It certainly has played a large part in my aversion to reflective surfaces for so long!

I need a catchy sign off....

PS -- Turns out my initial weight loss confession was off -- I was 228 on their scale today. 2 lb weight loss since Thursday, ha ha!

1 comment:

  1. "I'm ready to be the person I'm meant to become". I love that. I also love that you're doing one of the fitness challenges. I've been doing one at my Y for 3 years now that always starts after the New Year, and it really motivated me in the beginning. In fact it starts tomorrow! In addition to trying to do 30 min of cardio, my bonus points come from eating 5 servings of fruits/veggies every day. Look out, fiber!! Hope your week is starting off right!
