Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I can still remember how that music used to make me smile

Well, my fat didn't wake me up any other mornings. Although, I did go to bed at the rather embarrassing hour of 8:30ish that evening. And that was because I had to force myself to stay awake that long so I wasn't going to be at 7:30! Yikes!

Anyways, sorry I'm not the daily bloggery type. I'm working on it, but I'm working on a lot.

So, on Saturday, we were going to join the gym that Scott wants to use since his work doesn't have a gym but we missed the staffed time. We were going to run the dogs wild at the park, but the po-po had other plans about unleashed dogs on their turf. This all ultimately devolved into a whole lot of not getting exercise.

Sunday, also a somewhat sedentary day, filled with remorse and regret.

I indulged in the vino on Friday night and also caved again on Sunday. (It was the Golden Globes! That's an event that needs to be partied with, right?)

But, the thing that didn't happen is that I did not let this devolve into a whole lot of beating myself up for all of the stuff I didn't do. Instead, Monday night, we joined that gym and I did my workout there instead of at work. 21 minutes on the elliptical. I was feeling all proud of myself until I got home and Scott was bragging about how many calories he burned on the treadmill and the bike. So, today I kicked it up a teeny bit. I walked during the day for a total of about 20 minutes and then I went to new gym and did 15 minutes elliptical and 10 minutes bike. More on the bike in a second... And I didn't have vino last night or tonight, which again is an accomplishment for me. But, best of all, I'm beating myself up a lot less and trying to move forward -- so that's a BIG accomplishment for me.

But, back to the bike, briefly... I really didn't want to do the 10 minutes, I'll tell you. It was the recumbent, which I normally think of as a wussie thing to do, but the regular bike wasn't available. (Which really sucks because it has this cool video trail that you ride along with and you can log your progress.) I get like 2 minutes into the ride and I'm just ready for it to be over. So, I decide to play the longest song on my iPod and I make myself a deal. If the song finishes before I hit the time, then I will stop. But otherwise, I got to go through the end of my time.

And I picked American Pie by Don McLean, which is about 7.5 minutes long. And I finished the ride. Yay me!

Good luck!


  1. So, if I weren't me, I'd hate me, because I'm one of those people that actually likes to exercise. But you know one of the main reasons I like it? Because I love music, and in this post-marriage world we live in, where people in Footloose dance more than I do, exercise is the only regular way that I get to move my body to music. So your post really reasonated with me. The few tragic times that i forget my mp3 player, I know I'm guaranteed to get a crappy workout. I think music pushes me an extra 10-15% more. I especially like your trick with American Pie. When I'm nearing the end of a workout and I'm all whiny and crybaby, I'll put in a long song like this one I like by Crystal Method, or this techno version of Life in a Northern Town and then ride the song all the way to the end.
    So, I have this little calendar that I mark a big X on every day I work out. Today we went ice skating, and I thought it would get my heart rate up a little, but I was helping him and my friend skate and it wasn't as much cardio as I thought. So I waffled when it came time to mark the X. Then as the night wore on the muscles on the left side of my body became increasingly sore, and I thought SCORE! If there are sore muscles when it's all over, it must be exercise! and I ran to mark my X. Sorry, I know this is your blog, but I'm still mad that we never got to start a blog together, so this is my revenge -- bwa, ha, ha...

  2. Yeah, I do hate you for liking to exercise -- but I only hate you for that a little. The music doesn't help me that much yet, but that's partly because my music is still really f*ed up and I really need an iPod tutorial. So, I have this bizarre mix of music and I'm constantly having to hit shuffle to get it right. I just need to take the time to sit and get a good playlist sorted out, but who has time for that? Plus there's music on two computers and Apple is against that so it's kind of a pain all around. Maybe you can make me an ipod playlist like the mixed tapes you used to make? :)
