Monday, May 14, 2012

Boot camp wrap up

I apologize for the anti-climactic ending to the boot camp story...  I guess when I'm done, I'm done.

I missed the second to last class, because it was pouring ass rain and I'm just not that good of a person.  Or tough, really.  Apparently, they went running in the woods.  As it got dark.  Carrying a giant log.  Through a swamp.  In knee high water. 

I think if you've met me, you can understand why that was not going to be for me.  I don't even like to go to the grocery store without make-up on.  I'm not much for undoing the pretty.  I'm certainly no "beast." 

But I did really enjoy the experience.  There was an awakening of sorts for wanting to improve myself and keep going back on track to find myself.  I felt strong and, well, sexy.  Yeah, I said it.  I did.  I felt like I could do anything I wanted.  It was empowering.

I hope that the feeling continues...

And I don't know that the chapter on Cross Fit is closed completely.  I just didn't want to do the sign up under duress after it was over.

The last class was our fitness test and last measurements.  Overall, I did not lose much in the way of weight or inches, but my overall fitness improved.  Especially with squats, which were a particular weakness for me.  I doubled the amount I can do in a minute.  I felt best about that, for some reason.  My run time on the 800 meter actually went down, but...  I actually "ran" the whole thing.  Or my version of running anyways.  Since I didn't run it all the first time and I can walk faster than I can run (I know, right?) I didn't do as well the second time but felt better because I never stopped running.

So, that's that.

Currently I'm in full-on new Weight Watchers newbie mode.  I'm obsessing over points and planning.  I am annoying myself, really, but I can't stop.  It's changed a lot since I did it a few years ago and I think the changes are really beneficial.  I especially like the free fruit!

Wait, what?  Wine is not fruit...?


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