Sunday, March 13, 2011


The thing is that I understand so much more why people proselytize about exercise now. I just feel so good about myself and the things that I have already made my body accomplish. Scott and I were just talking about how much more energy we have. And how the periods of soreness lessen all the time. And how when someone says there's this 5k, we're ready to go. And how I want to be able to get to the point of being able to run the whole 5k.
Two different people told me yesterday that they thought the fact that I am blogging is inspirational. They told me this for two different reasons.   I doubt that they understood (until now when they can read it on the WWW) just how much that means to me.  Because I started doing this because my friend "kiosk" pointed me in the direction of some weight loss blogs that SHE loved...  I was already heading towards the mindset of making changes in my life, and these blogs just really helped me get there.  And I just think if I can change even one person's life and have them choose him or herself FIRST because of something that I have said or done, well -- that's pretty kick ass, isn't it?  That's a reason to keep writing.

And I said early on, I'm ready to be the person I'm meant to become. I'm not holding myself back anymore by ideas of who I am or what I'm supposed to be able to do.  I decided that it was "my time," as they say.  I still backslide physically, emotionally, nutritionally, etc.  But, on December 31st I was a couch potato, and yesterday I completed a 5k.  So, who is to say that it can't be done? 

But, I know from my own experience that I'm the only person who could talk me into feeling this way -- that's the thing about proseltyzing.  You really do have to preach to the choir, because people aren't ready to do their thing.  I sincerely try to be mindful of that, because I was SO there.  I can't do this, or I can't do that I would think.  I wasn't ready.  Maybe you're not ready either.  But, if there is even a dram of inspiration in here for you, then I will try to keep those drams coming until your cup is ready and you are ready to take a big swig of the life that is going to be waiting for you.    I still can't do all kinds of things -- the difference is that now I know that I can't do them YET.  :)

Big hugs!

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