Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dear Future Heather,

Today, you officially dropped to a size 16.  Sadly, your efforts to make this a federal (or even a state) holiday were not successful -- but nonetheless, it was a big day to you.  You posted this update on your Facebook page (just that you dropped a size, not the giant number) yesterday, but you didn't really believe it until today.  Second day in a row made it official, I guess.  As you read this, Future Heather, you may not fully remember how exciting it felt to be able to get back into that size.  But here's how it felt:  it felt like the promise of everything I've started working towards was starting to fall into place. 

But this day, Future Heather, it came with a setback.  Do you remember that?  Do  you remember striding proudly in for your second workout of the day and...  Well, let's not the time color our memory -- truth is, you did not want to go back for the second workout.  You tried 17 different excuses to rationalize not going after work. But then, you walked out behind some women talking about how their WW meeting was shrinking in size and how they hope that the second half of their session goes better than the first.  And you, in your weird wisdom, decided to take this as a sign of the push you needed to do the right thing.  Unfortunately, it wasn't a great workout.  The dreadmill came true to its name again and showed its fangs.  You got so winded you couldn't finish even your 30 minute walk.  You finished your workout on the bike, which at this stage you feel is giving up.  Technically, it was 35 minutes of cardio, but you felt like it was a setback.  (It wasn't, you know -- even these little steps brought you to wherever you are today, Future Heather.) 

I think about you a lot.  I know it's weird, because I haven't met you.  But, I think about what you'll look like and what you'll be able to do.  I think about how much fun you must have shopping a lot.  I wonder what kind of activity you've started enjoying.  I'm really anxious to know if you ever defeat that dreadmill dragon and are able to really, truly run. 

I'm wishing you all the best Future Heather -- thank you for burgeoning in me and turning me into you!

Past Heather

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