Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Tide is High

When things are going well, I try to ride the wave.  I think it's important to milk the good vibes as long as I can, because it won't be long before I'm standing in the pantry with my head in a bag of Doritos.

But enough about Thursday.

I managed to get to the gym three times last week.  And I haven't been talking about my workouts, but they've been going pretty well.  I can run the first mile -- without stopping.  I can't even believe it myself.  I still can't believe it while it's happening.  I want to stop all the time but I realize that it's a mental thing.  I don't want to stop because I am in pain or can't breathe -- but just because my brain can't grasp the fact that I'm still going and I'm not in pain and can't breathe.  

So, I'm going to find another 5k to do this Fall and my goal is to run the whole thing.  (I know I say this a lot, but please realize that when I say "run" that my running is fast people's walking.)  There is a Zombie run in October that I've been thinking about a lot, but frankly I'm a little afraid of zombies so...  Good reason to run, though!

As for my diet, it's been going pretty well.  I lost another point in my daily target because I hit 195.  (Technically, 195.6, but whatever.)  I am not always great about keeping track, but I'm trying.  Every day is a new chance.  At heart, I'm still a decadent over-indulger (but enough about last night!) but I know this and knowing is half the battle.  I'm in it to win it, y'all...

Or to lose it -- either way.

Have a good week!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you!!! I'm doing the happy dance in my Kopecky way....I'm sure you can picture it!!!!
