Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fitness Adventures

Remember a while back when I was talking about "the next thing?"  (No?  Here's a link.)  I was going to buy groupons and just try different fitness stuff.  Well, during that time I bought a groupon deal for cardio kickboxing.  I finally went to my first class tonight and I really liked it.

The class was 50 minutes and very small -- which I like.  The teacher, Master C, is awesome and was very accommodating.  It was mildly intense, but I never felt like puking or anything.  Turns out, that's because this was the "easy" night.  The classes are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and apparently the Saturday class is crossfit-like.  Yay?

I chatted with some of the other ladies before the class and told them I was there on the groupon deal.  They were taking bets on whether or not I'd be back since a few weeks ago there were other groupon ladies and they have not been back.  The class was a cardio workout but was not overly intense -- again, because they build up to that.  Of course, I was totally uncoordinated as usual but luckily these ladies were awesome and not judge-y at all.  Very friendly and inclusive.  Not like when you go to some cardio classes with a bunch of Barbie-bots.  Blech!

All in all a GREAT day for activity -- I got two walks in (see frizzy picture from earlier) and a cardio kickboxing.  Feel great!  And that's a total of 14 earned for the day!!

Minor programming (?) note...  I've been running a mental tally of how much I've lost since I started and I realized that I haven't been keeping a great log of this to keep me mindful of it.  My current goal is to lose about 5 lbs a month until I get to my goal weight of 155.  (This is the top of my suggested weight from WW for my height.)  I've decided that in order to be able to better track where I'm at and how I'm doing, I am going to start posting scale photos again ((((gulp))) -- but only on the first of the month.  These posts will not be split to Facebook, because -- hello -- I don't want my stupid weight in my timeline.

All right, back to the Olympics...  Doesn't THAT inspire you to get some activity in??

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