Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bonus Pack: Three mini-blogs for the price of one

The Scale Photo

   Obviously there are not a lot of people who are willing to post their scale on the WWW, much less if it is over 200 pounds.  But, for those people it is perhaps because they are going in the wrong direction or they didn't start a blog dedicated to their fat (or the losing there-of).  And in either case, good for them!  Me, I was pretty f*ing happy to see that number on the scale this past week.  I first realized it was heading in that direction when I had a 213 weigh in the day before, but I was getting flukey weigh-ins under the 215 I had been stuck at and didn't want to believe it.  Then it dropped again!  My first week on WW showed a loss of 6 pounds.  A very exciting change! Non-scale victories (NSV) are great and all, but who are we trying to kid?  Actually, some day I really need to blog about the little song I sing in my head.  There's this old song by Johnny Cash called I've Been Everywhere (you've probably heard it, it was even in a commercial once).  I have a song I sing in my head to this tune that goes "I've Been Every Weight."  Actually, that would be the whole blog, so I guess I don't need to write it now...

Anways, I don't know if it was just time for the weight to start moving, if it was the first week of WW or the thermogenic but it was nice to see some change.

You're taking WHAT?

Yeah, I started taking a thermogenic.  It's something they encourage you to do as part of the Body Challenge, but I'm pretty against that stuff in general.  In fact, more than a few people approached me after reading my plateau related laments and mentioned cleanses or cleansing diets or something else of the sort.  If you are reading this as one of those people, I want to say that I really appreciate the sentiment behind the offer and the reason that I didn't respond was because of the above statement.  I really only want to do things that I can sustain long term.  Any kind of cut this, cut that, drink this, et cetera thing does not appeal to me.  The reason why I am such a fan of WW is because it really works and really helps me figure out a way to eat that works for me.  Consistently.  It gives me a road map to follow to eat in the real world.  And yet, here I am taking a thermogenic.  Without even really researching it or anything.  I feel like a hypocrite, but it's hard to feel so much like a hypocrite that I want to stop taking it!  My current plan is to keep taking it until I hit the Onederland and then go it au naturel for a while to see if it really does make that much of a difference. 

It definitely makes a difference in how much I pee, I can tell you THAT much!  I mean, sure, I'm drinking close to 100 ounces of a water -- or more -- a day, but I have been doing that for a while and I wasn't peeing twice an hour!  Yikes!!


So, other news.  The shopping expedition.  That did not go as well as planned, but oddly it was not the soul sucking depressing event that it normally is either.  I am now pretty firmly between sizes, and it depends on the store which sizes I'm between.  I bought two dresses in a store I hadn't been able to fit in anything for a while, so that was a plus -- even if it was their biggest size, who cares?  And I had to go on size run a few times because the size I brought back to the dressing room was too big -- but the size down was still a bit too small.  I also did some shopping in my own drawers and have been able to fit into two pairs of pants that I haven't worn in a while -- that's a bonus!  My size 16 jeans that I have been so excited about getting back into now get loose the day of the first wear after wash instead of the next time around.  Still can't get into the 14's (I know, I tried on Saturday), but I can get them on which is a HUGE step. 

Let's Get Physical

Unfortunately, exercise news is not as exciting this week.  I am under siege by allergy creeping crud and just did not want to go this morning or after work.  Maybe if I go sweat it out I can release some of the pollen demons, but it is hard to convince myself of that when it feels like someone ran a rake down my throat.  And I just keep running into these bouts of lame work-outs.  Do you know the kind I mean?  I get up and get going on the dreadmill and then can't finish and have to switch machines.  At least I'm getting cramps in different parts of my legs, this is some sort of progress right??  And I have worked up to being able to do level 4 on the elliptical, which makes me feel like a Rock Star since Scott can't even do the elliptical.  (I know, it's rude to mention but he can RUN which is way harder than the elliptical, IMHO). But, there's only so much ellipticalling you can do without getting bored.  Which is usually the thing that brings me back to my nemesis the dreadmill (I WILL conquer you!).  It's funny, because I climb on and make all of these vague promises to myself about what I'm going to do.  "Okay, Heather you are NOT going to try to run at the 5 minute mark, you are going to wait until the 10 minute mark because you've been trying to go too soon..."  Or I say I'm only going to go 30 seconds instead of a minute or I won't run at all or I'll do incline intervals.  I do not stick to any of it -- I just get so bored.  I mean, the elliptical isn't super-exciting either, but I don't get bored.  I think it's because I do a program on the elliptical and then do my own intervals within that program.  Like I'll do the fat burner program but then every few minutes I'll push my RPE (warning: this link takes you to a ton of information about target heart rate and rate of perceived exertion) to 10 for the duration of whatever cycle I'm in.  My RPE at 10 puts me between 120 and 130 strides, depending on where I'm at with my workout mojo, whereas when I'm at average work-out (RPE of about 6 or 7), I'm at 106-113. 

Exciting stuff, right?  I found something even more boring than the dreadmill!  Listening to myself whine about it!  Ugh!

Anyways, I will try to post more regularly so it's not always 3 blogs in one, but don't hold your breath.

Seriously, don't -- that could add an extra ounce on the scale.  :)



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