Friday, April 1, 2011

Non Scale Victory

I just learned (or relearned, as I may have heard it and forgot it) this term from my friend Kiosk today.  I have definitely been in need of this as a focus, as the scale continues to punish me.

I have stubbornly stayed in the 215 range for a while now.  I'm a little up, a little down but my confidence is waning.  When I first got into this range, I thought that it would be no problem to be in the onederland by my birthday (May 11 -- shop now, supplies are limited!) and now I am beginning to doubt the achievability of this goal.  I really wonder if there is going to be any progress at all.  It's really hard to stay motivated when you're working out and eating right and nothing is changing. 

For a while now, I have been loosely focused on these NSV's without being cognizant that this is what I was doing.  Things like dropping a jean size, finishing a 5k or now being able to do 30 minutes on the treadmill.  It is a constant, constant struggle to remember that these goals were incredibly recent in coming around.  I look at the date on the first time I hit 215 and it was March 11, which was about 3 weeks ago.  In the meantime, I'm constantly trying to get in more exercise and I have to imagine that my previously perpetually lethargic body is like "wtf is she trying to do to us??"

SO.  NSV's may be the only thing I have going for me for who knows how long.  I can NOT and WILL NOT let the scale be the determining factor in moving forward with changing my life.  If I stay at 215 for the rest of my life, but I can climb Mt. Everest -- isn't that the key thing here?  Isn't THAT what I'm trying to accomplish?

Well, yes - but I would really like to be able to wear a bikini one day too...

So, I don't have any new NSV's to post for you today yet, but I will definitely start looking for these things to keep me going and keep going forward.

Also, yesterday I joined Weight Watchers again!  Yay!  I'm glad to be back at home with a plan I understand and the group support the provides more insight than "eat lots of chicken".  (I love my trainers, I do -- but this plan was not going to cut it for me.) 

I'll have more on my thoughts related to going back to my WW peeps and more -- later!

big hugs,


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