Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just call me Sweaty in the Morning

I've started working out in the morning before work. That has been a challenge. I'm not a morning person, to say the least. But, since I LOVE getting it over with, I've been sucking it up and going. Today was my 3rd day in a row. And it is getting easier already.

Well, not the working out. I am still struggling to get through my cardio. I did 40 minutes today and it was a push. I even bought new shoes because I thought my problem was that I wasn't properly supported, but I still couldn't do the whole time on the dreadmill.

I asked Scott his opinion about machine jumping and he was against it, because he said you can't keep your target heart rate up if you're changing from machine to machine. I say that I can't keep it up if I have to stop every 2 minutes because my calves are screaming either, can I?

Which really makes me afraid about the 5k. I am really dreading it. Well, maybe dread is the wrong word, but I'm so nervous that I'm not going to finish or I'm going to be last. I just don't want to be the fat girl in gym.


Which is ironic because back when I took PE in school, I was not fat but I thought I was (because I was a teenager) and I was not in good shape. I couldn't run then either. And I didn't have the kind of confidence that I have now that I'm old and wise, so I couldn't fake my way through it either.

So, I think that I need to face the fact that I may not be able to run this 5k on March 12, that I may have to walk it. Rome wasn't built in a day and this ass ain't coming off in a week. I need to accept that. It is not going to be a short, sweet process. I can't do the Boston Marathon tomorrow. If I'm going to be able to finish the 5k and not be embarrassed, first I have to be able to walk and keep walking at a good pace.

Tomorrow, I am going to get on the dreadmill and I'm going to stay on for at least 30 minutes even if I have to slow to a crawl to get through it. I'm in it to win it -- but the it is ME!


PS: Really my ultimate goal is to someday be half as inspiring as Ms. Bitchcakes is. It's her blog that got me turned on to weight loss blogging in the first place. I mean, the woman runs and climbs the Empire State Building in full hair and make-up. Me, I just want my blog to be as pretty as hers!

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