Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekend update

(insert catchy theme music)

As usual, some highs and lows to report.  Yesterday was, of course, body challenge  workout day.  Last week, we had the workout from hell, so I had been feeling a lot of trepidation going in to this one.  But, the most awesome thing happened in the beginning.  One of the guys from the challenge said, "Hey, I think that we have a problem motivating each other because we've been doing this all this time and I don't even know half of your names."  So, we went around the room and did a name refresher and then during the workout we were able to yell (or grunt or cry) out each other's names and give each other moral support.  That was really cool.  Then after our workout, which didn't feel quite as horrible as it usually does, one of the take-charge type women in our group said, "Hey, anyone want to hang out afterwards and talk about how things are going?"  So, several of us did that and that was also very uplifting.  Like WW and how everyone talks about the challenges that they face.  Scott and I left feeling quite inspired.

But, then we went to a birthday party and ate "bad things."  This is a post I will be writing in the future, because this plays into a lot of the diet related issues I have with weight loss.  Then that night I hosted a Lia Sophia Jewelry party.  I made the statement this week that I was not going to drink until Sertoma Spring Fever, but unfortunately I did fall off the wagon last night.  I will say that I did not leap off and that I pumped the brakes FAR more than I have on previous Saturdays.  But, a house filled with women drinking plus the availability of red wine made it far more difficult for me to abstain.  Still, and I know that I'm rationalizing so give me some slack -- I drank a LOT of water first and did not drink to the point of fuzziness.  I even drank water in between. 

And when I got on the scale this morning, it was the same as it was yesterday -- which usually doesn't happen on a Sunday morning.

SO.  I am once again renewing my commitment to try to stay on the wagon until Sertoma.  I'm feeling recharged by my group at the gym.  And I'm ready to go run... some errands with my husband!

Enjoy what's left of YOUR weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I KNOW you can do it Heather. You spent a Friday night at my house for book club before your big 5K and ate healthy with no alcoholic drinks available and STILL had fun! I have extreme faith in you chick!
