Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Yes, I did say cranky cocoon

When we last met our heroine (that's me!), she was preparing for the health risk assessment and facing the dread of not meeting what felt like a small goal.  But friends, the gods were with me that day -- their scale was off and they thought I weighed like 4 pounds less than I did at home.  And then as a courtesy, they take an extra 3 lbs off for your clothes.

Listen, I'm not being hard on myself.  I weighed myself at home before I left so I would be prepared for the bad news.  I'm pretty sure that I did not lose 7 lbs on the drive to work.  But whatever!  I'll take it.  It means that I did lose the 10% and our company gives us a little bonus for achieving that goal.  Winning!

Also, my boot camp finally started.  It was delayed til tonight due to weather conditions.  Loved it.  It was a good workout but the trainer is not a punisher.  Actively does not believe in being a punisher so there was none of that feeling like a loser because I can't do things.  Just a good workout.  I am in love!  With exercise, not the trainer.

That's right.  I just typed the sentence I am in love with exercise.  Hilarious.  But I have been so friggin' cranky lately and everything seems to set me off.  It was so great to have an outlet to push some of that crap out.

Did I cuss and fuss the whole time?  Of course!  Did I rock the push-ups and the dips and squats?  Um, no.  Have we met?  But just doing the damned thing.

I was so nervous driving over there.  Luckily BFF Tina talked to me for a while and distracted me.  And as soon as I got there and saw that, as promised, the women (or the ladies as the trainer kept calling us) were a variety of shapes and sizes and fitness levels.  I found some ladies to chum up to, and good thing because we had to get in groups of three and I would have been awkward person out if I hadn't put on the Heather show.  Hooray for the Heather Show!

And hooray for exercise -- I'm starting to feel like there's a crack in my cranky cocoon and this butterfly can emerge and enjoy the Spring!

Endorphins rock!



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